
pexels vlad chean 2586537 1 cropWalk With Care: Optimising the Safety of Older Pedestrians

Through a grant from the Department of Transport and Planning, Road Safety Victoria, the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House is delivering free presentations about increasing safety for older pedestrians.


Free Presentations:

  • Presentation #1: REGISTER NOW, 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm, Tuesday 16 April
    Ballarat East Neighbourhood House, Barkly Square, Ballarat East.
  • Presentation #2: REGISTER NOW, 10.00 am - 11.00 am, Thursday 2 May
    Ballarat North Neighbourhood House, 6 Crompton Street, Soldier’s Hill.
  • Presentation #3: 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm, Wednesday 29 May
    Online via Zoom: POTSPONED - please contact us for more information

If you want more information or need help to register, please contact us via email or call us on 0422 612 052.

Pedestrian crash statistics: The Victorian Report: Understanding Pedestrian Crash Data (2020) Monash University and Victoria Walks, found:

  • Older adults, children and intoxicated people are at the highest risk of pedestrian trauma and are over-represented in road trauma statistics in both metropolitan and rural areas.
  • Risk of fatality or serious injury is around 70% for those aged over 60 compared to 25% for those under 60.
  • Injury severity increases with age.
  • Older adults are more likely to sustain fractures, have longer recovery times and increased likelihood of long-term disability.

Why do some older pedestrians need to take more care when walking?

  • Medical and eyesight conditions.
  • Effects of medication.
  • More time spent looking at the ground and deciding when to cross.
  • More difficulty judging speed and distance.
  • Slower to react to danger.
  • May not allow for reduced abilities.
  • Inattention to potential hazards.

Safety Tips covered in the presentation:

  • Planning your journey
  • Road crossing and rules
  • Safe walking tips

For more information, please visit: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/pedestrian-safety


Stay safe on our roads

Ballarat East Neighbourhood House and the Central Highlands Association of Neighbourhood Houses were proud to be recipients of 2021/2022 VicRoads Community Road Safety Grants. In partnership with VicRoads, we delivered free-of-charge information sessions for the community, promoting road safety.

Local trainer, Melissa Watts, delivered the sessions to Neighbourhood Houses across the Central Highlands region in 2023.

BENH VicRoads Safe Driver 2022 FB v1Safe Driver Presentation

This is a one-hour VicRoads road safety awareness presentation for older road users and their families/carers. This program covers information including how to keep older drivers safe and mobile, road rules, the effects of medication and strategies for safe mobility.

The sessions covered:

  1. Issues that impact safe driving as we age
  2. How older drivers can stay safe and mobile
  3. Road rules
  4. Potential impacts of medical conditions, disability and medication on safe driving
  5. Driving safely
  6. Choosing the safest roads
  7. Victoria's licensing system
  8. Assessment of driving
  9. Planning to reduce or cease driving
  10. Strategies for safe mobility.

View the Safe Driver presentation online on the Central Highlands Association of Neighbourhood Houses website.

BENH VicRoads Fatigue 2022 FB v1Fatigue Presentation

This 45-minute interactive VicRoads presentation provides information on how fatigue can increase the likelihood of a crash and strategies to help avoid driving whilst tired.

Three sessions were delivered before June 2023.

BAA LogoSeveral sessions were presented in partnership with the Ballarat African Association. 

Driving while tired can increase the likelihood of a crash.
Would you, or a family member/friend, like to learn strategies to help avoid driving whilst tired?
The session will cover:
1. Fatigue and Road Trauma
2. What is driver fatigue and who is at risk of driver fatigue?
3. Causes and signs of fatigue
4. Impact on driving
5. Microsleeps and other signs of fatigue
6. Circadian rhythm
7. Sleep Debt, time awake and crash risk
8. How to prevent and manage fatigue

Motorised Mobility Devices

This one-hour VicRoads road safety awareness presentation covers information and advice on road rules and the use of mobility devices. The presentation is for those who currently have or are looking to access a motorised mobility device for themselves or someone they support. The presentation promotes strategies for the devices to be used in a safe and acceptable way with links to resources and additional information.

View the Motorised Mobility Devices presentation online on the Central Highlands Association of Neighbourhood Houses website.

This session is funded by VicRoads through a Community Roads Safety Grant.