Read the Newsletter online
Edition 10: December 2022 (PDF) or online
Edition 9: September 2022 (PDF) or online
Edition 8: May 2022 (PDF) or online
Edition 7: April 2022 (PDF) or online
Edition 6: February 2022 (PDF) or online
Edition 5: December 2021 (PDF) or online
Edition 4: July 2021 (PDF) or online
Edition 3: May 2021 (PDF)
Edition 2: March 2021 (PDF)
Edition 1: January 2021 (PDF)
About the Ballarat East Community News
The Ballarat East Community News is a project of the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House. Its establishment in early 2021 was supported by the City of Ballarat through a Community Impact Grant and after that by VicHealth through a Reimagining Health grant. Local adult volunteers work together to contribute articles to this local community newsletter. Social isolation across the community is reduced by breaking through the digital barrier and connecting people with free/low/cost activities, helping them learn about community groups and improving mental health by giving them a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood.The Ballarat East Community News is a proud member of the Ballarat Community News Publications Network.
Editorial Policy
Generally, contributions should not exceed 250 words and up to two photographs per item may be submitted (but may not necessarily be published). However, if you have a feature-story which may require more words, please contact us with your idea. Material may be edited due to space, style, clarity or for legal reasons. The name and address of the person submitting any material must be provided (address not for publication). The Ballarat East Neighbourhood House reserves the right not to publish material considered to be offensive or inappropriate or which is not deemed to have community interest or relevance. The views expressed or information provided in this publication are not necessarily those of the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House, or its advertisers, sponsors or partners, including the City of Ballarat. This includes any officers, members, agents or contractors.
Frequency and distribution
This publication is printed four times each year to over 8000 letterboxes in the suburbs of Bakery Hill, Ballarat East, Canadian, Eureka, Golden Point, Mount Pleasant and Warrenheip.
Editions One and Two were delivered by Australia Post. From Edition Three onwards, the Ballarat East Community News has been delivered by a team of over 60 local community volunteers, a key community development element of this project.
Contact Us if you would like to find out more about joining our Volunteer Delivery Team.
The Ballarat East Neighbourhood House team (staff and volunteers) currently compile the Ballarat East Community News. Future editions will be compiled by volunteers with support from Neighbourhood House staff. If you would like to join the volunteer team who write stories, take photos, create drawings, interview people, edit, proof read and do the layout of the publication, please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 0422 612 052.
We would like to thank the advertisers in this edition for financially supporting this important project for broader Ballarat East.
Advertising rates per edition for 2024 are:
- $150 + GST: Business Card - 90mm x 55mm
- $300 + GST: Banner - 180 mm x 55mm
- $750 + GST: Half page - 180 mm x 135 mm
Please contact us if you would like to support this project and promote your business/organisation.
Next Edition
Articles and ideas for Edition 19 are due by Tuesday 20 August by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or in hard copy to the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House office (Barkly Square, 25-39 Barkly Street, Ballarat East). Opening hours: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Tuesdays to Fridays during school term. We recommend making an appointment by email or calling 0422 612 052. Please read the editorial policy above.
Edition 19: published 6 September
Edition 20: published lat November (TBC)
Recognition at 2021 State Awards
On 6 November 2021, after just 4 editions, the Ballarat East Community News was recognised in two of nine categories in the annual Community Newspaper Association of Victoria (CNAV) Awards!
Best feature story
Feature stories are written in narrative style or hard news style, and they often appear across one or two pages, with photo/s. They contain human interest and can be about people, events, or other items of interest to the community.
(27 entries)
Second Place – Ballarat East Community News, Edition 4 – ‘The Ballarat East Community Pays it Forward’, by Sarah Greenwood-Smith.
Best newspaper
This category recognises excellence in layout, style, and content. The entry is three separate issues of the whole publication. (20 entries)
Finalist (one of five finalists) - Ballarat East Community News
Congratulations to all involved!
Publication details
The views expressed or information provided in this publication are not necessarily those of the Ballarat East Community News or Ballarat East Neighbourhood House, including any officers, members, agents, volunteers or contractors.
This publication is licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
This publication is printed locally on 100% recycled paper by a family-owned business, Ballarat Mailworks.
ISSN: 2652-9815 (Print)
ISSN: 2652-9823 (Online)